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BrandGeek: Protecting the Businesses that are Changing the World®

Hooray, Hooray it’s Brand Geek’s birthday

One year ago today, Brand Geek launched.  Happy Birthday Brand Geek!!

A lot has happened in a year:

I was mentioned in the Wall Street Journal.

I was mentioned on Social Venture Network’s website.

I was mentioned in World Trademark Review’s blog.

I launched the Brand Bully Basement, around which an Advisory Board formed.  Our first monthly call is tomorrow!

And there is lots more is planned for the upcoming year:

My first YouTube video will be released by the end of the year, followed by monthly video releases (think: Brand Geek meets The Daily Show).

The Brand Geek interview series will launch in early 2012.

The Brand Bully Basement Advisory Board will define trademark bullying, create and publish criteria for stories to be published in the Basement, and explore ways to reduce instances of bullying through education and possibly other means.

Hopefully, you will continue reading and sharing Brand Geek and I will continue educating, entertaining and inspiring you. So, thank you, thank you, thank you, wonderful (and smart!) people for making time for a little Brand Geek in your day.  I appreciate you and look forward to what the next year will bring.






Comments (2)

    1. Thanks so much, Linda! I appreciate your making the time to read & comment on my blog. I plan to keep up the good work; hope you continue to enjoy it.

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