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My new favorite local brand – Techtastic
TechTastic | Fantastic Technicians
The Top 5 reasons why I love the TechTastic brand so much?
(1) Its sole meaning is a brand.
(2) It is alliterative.
(3) It is inherently distinctive and can be protected right away without having to prove brand recognition.
(4) Its Facebook page has only a single post from October 2010 and yet it somehow has 45 Followers — now that’s a strong brand.
(5) Zion Fink and his team rock – they’re knowledgeable, responsive, always on time, super reasonably priced and they’re neat!
From Techtastic alone, did you figure out what they do? Did their Fantastic Technicians tagline help?
Creating a distinctive mark may not seem like a priority during the brand creation process, but it should be. What good is a brand if you can’t call it your own? What’s the purpose of a brand other than to help your target audience connect with you instead of your competitors?
Please, share your thoughts.
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